Get Involved


Volunteer Locally

For people ready to take the next step in Impacting the World, volunteering locally with us for a community-based project is a great place to start! If you’re interested in giving of your time and joining us as we serve others around us, click the button below to fill out our Project Volunteer form.

Serve Globally

For some, a desire exists to go beyond their community and reach people in their own environment with the Message of Health and the Gospel of Jesus. If you’re interested in making a Global Impact and joining us on a Missions Trip, click the button below to fill out our Missions Trip Application.

Submit Project Ideas

We know that there are lots of projects and non-profit organizations working hard to serve other people that we just haven’t heard of yet. If you know of anything like this, click the button below to fill out our Project Idea form—we are always looking to learn about projects and potentially expand our network of partners.